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Alcohol improves a man's sexual performance in bed - study 2009-11-26
By Daily Telegraph

Alcohol improves a man's sexual performance in bed - study

Rather than curbing a man's prowess in bed, new research from Australia claims that alcohol can actually improve sexual performance.


The suggestion flies in the face of conventional thinking which insists that men who drink too much are more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction.

The new findings are based on a study of 1,580 Australian men, carried out by Western Australia's Keogh Institute for Medical Research and published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

It concluded that those men who drank a moderate amount of alcohol reported 30 per cent fewer problems than tee-totallers.

Those who were low risk drinkers - consuming up to four drinks a day for up to five days a week - were found to have a "favourable association" with positive erectile function.

Weekend drinkers and binge drinkers had lower rates of erectile dysfunction than those who drank one day a week or less, according to the research.

Those at greatest risk of poor performance in bed were heavy drinkers who had stopped drinking, those who smoke and sufferers of heart disease.

"Although alcohol may increase sexual desire through disinhibition, the slang term "brewer's droop" captures its reputation as a risk factor for decreased sexual performance," the study said.

"These findings suggest a favourable association between low-risk alcohol drinking and positive erectile function.''



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