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All men over 50 could be screened for prostate cancer 2009-03-19
By Kate Devlin

All men over 50 could be screened for prostate cancer

All men over the age of 50 could be tested for prostate cancer after the largest international study ever conducted suggested that screening could save thousands of lives a year in Britain.


Health ministers yesterday ordered a review which could pave the way for widespread testing.

Using a system similar to that for breast screening, all men above the relevant age would be given a blood test which can show the first signs of the disease.

Controversy currently surrounds such tests as it has been unclear that they save lives.

However, the European Randomised Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer, which looked at 182,000 men aged between 50 and 74, found that screening programmes could prevent 20 per cent of deaths, equivalent to saving 2,000 lives a year in Britain.

Announcing the review, Ann Keen, the Health Minister, said the Government was “committed” to a national programme “if and when screening and treatment techniques are sufficiently developed”.

Under the present system, men can request an individual test but there is no universal testing.

Many are too embarrassed to talk about the condition, the symptoms of which include difficulty or pain in urinating and a desire to visit the lavatory more often, particularly during the night.

The disease kills more men in Britain than any other cancer, with the exception of lung cancer. Each year, 35,000 new cases are identified and there are around 10,000 deaths. Any national programme could follow the pattern of breast cancer screening, which tests women aged between 50 and 70 and saves an estimated 1,400 lives a year.

Screening would involve middle-aged men being asked to attend a local clinic every few years for a blood test.

This would check for high levels of a protein called Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), which increases in those with a tumour.

If the results suggested prostate cancer, a biopsy would be taken. If the cells then appeared dangerous, the patient would undergo surgery or be monitored until intervention was appropriate.

However, raised levels of PSA are not a perfectly reliable indicator of the disease and side effects of treatment can include impotence and incontinence.

John Neate, chief executive of the Prostate Cancer Charity, said: “Such a test would enable treatment to be focused on men for whom prostate cancer poses a serious risk to their health.”

Mark Emberton, consultant urologist at University College Hospital, London, said the Government was right to study the findings. They were presented at the annual European Association of Urology conference in Stockholm, and published online in the New England Journal of Medicine.

“It’s interesting that this finding is positive, that it shows that screening saves lives, as many thought it would not,” he said.

“It is good that the Government is planning to look at its implications for policy, especially if we can reduce the side effects of treatment in the future. GPs should be prepared for more men coming forward in the light of this study and asking for a PSA test.”

The announcement comes a week after ministers ordered a review into the age at which women are first invited for cervical cancer screening.

The case of Jade Goody, the former Big Brother star, who has terminal cervical cancer, led to calls for the age to be lowered from 25 to 20. In the House of Commons yesterday, the Prime Minister said the

Government would consider all the available medical evidence before deciding whether to extend smear tests for women under 25 in England.

Prostate cancer is most common in the over-55s and can grow extremely slowly, meaning many men will die of another condition before the cancer kills them.

The actor Robert De Niro was diagnosed with the disease in 2003. He was later said to have made a full recovery.

The results of a smaller study, the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial, carried out in America and involving 76,000 men, also published online in the NEJM, found that widespread screening using the PSA test made little or no difference to survival rates over an average of seven years.

David Connolly, a specialist registrar at Belfast City Hospital, said there was still not enough evidence that the benefits of screening would outweigh its costs.

“The introduction of widespread screening would be very costly financially, not to mention the amount of anxiety it would cause to men who find out they have the condition even though it would not trouble them over their life,” he said.

Prof Peter Johnson, Cancer Research UK’s chief clinician, echoed his concerns.

Mrs Keen said: “Any man contemplating having a PSA test or with symptoms of prostate cancer should speak to his GP who will be able to counsel him and provide him with support.”

The UK National Screening Committee will make its recommendations later this year.


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