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Looking for a Fling? Here’s What Most Guys Want 2010-09-23
By Men's Health

Men who are looking for a short-term relationship are more interested in a woman’s body than guys searching for a long-term partner, according to a new study from the University of Texas at Austin. The latter group is more interested in a woman’s face.

The reason: A woman’s body provides clues about her state of fertility, whereas her face sheds light on her “long-term reproductive value.”

“Men’s priorities shift depending on what they want in a mate, with facial features taking on more importance when a long-term relationship is the goal,” psychology graduate student Jaime Confer said in a press release. Confer co-authored the research with graduate student Carin Perilloux and Professor David Buss. “Mating is central to the engine of natural selection. This research helps clarify people’s preference.”

Women, on the other hand, didn’t show any difference in preferences when looking for a short- or long-term mate.

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