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Hand sanitizer only last for two minutes, not effective at killing germs long-term: research 2010-10-25
By Rosemary Black

Hand sanitizer only
last for two minutes,
not effective at killing
germs long-term:

Rosemary Black

The fact that hand sanitizers don't offer long-term
protection may come as a shock to germiphobes,
but it's a reality.

"Alcohol sanitizers last only a minute or two and
must be reapplied when recontamination occurs,"
says Dr. Philip Tierno Jr., PhD, director of clinical
microbiology and immunology at NYU Langone
Medical Center.

Adds Dr. Len Horovitz, attending physician and
internist at Lenox Hill Hospital: "Hand sanitizer is
better than nothing if you are going to shake
someone’s hand or if you are out on the street with
no sink or paper towels, but the best germicidal
thing you can do is wash with soap and water."

More than half of Americans think sanitizers last 30
times longer than they do, according to the survey
from Healthpoint, which sells a sanitizer that the
company says works for up to six hours.

Other than soap and water, the best way to keep
harmful germs at bay is "never to touch your face
unless you have just washed your hands," Horovitz

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
recommends using a hand sanitizer containing at
least 60% alcohol when soap and running water
aren't available.

"Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are fast acting and
significantly reduce the number of many types of
germs on the skin," notes the CDC. "However, they
will not kill all germs."

Tell that to the 68% of the more than 1,000
respondents said they use hand sanitizer, and 52%
said they keep it in their purse or briefcase,
according to data funded by Healthpoint, Ltd.


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