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Older Women Say They Want More Sex, Not Less 2011-12-26
By Brenda Goodman, MA

Older Women Say They Want More Sex, Not Less

Study Flouts Conventional Wisdom About Low Libido in Older Women
WebMD Health News
senior couple enjoying bike ride

Oct. 14, 2011 -- Many women continue to be sexually active after menopause and most say they are satisfied with their sex lives, particularly if they are married or have a regular partner, a large new study shows.

Among women who reported being dissatisfied with their sex lives, however, 57% said they wanted to have more sex, while only 8% said they would have preferred to have less.

The study is a new analysis of health information collected on more than 27,000 women ages 50 to 79 who took part in the government-funded Women’s Health Initiative study.

As researchers expected, sexual activity declined with age. The main reasons women said they stopped having sex were the loss of an able partner, poor health, and poor quality of life.

The finding that many older women would prefer to have more sex was something of a surprise. Previously, doctors had believed that women stopped having sex as they got older because their sex drives fizzled.

“This is the first study that indicates that [older] women would actually like to have more sex,” says Gisele Wolf-Klein, MD, director of geriatric education at the North Shore-LIJ Health System in New Hyde Park, N.Y.

“We know sexual activity decreases with age, and we do attribute that to lack of a partner, but we thought that women were kind of happy with this. That it didn’t represent a major problem. Well, that does not seem to be the case,” says Wolf-Klein, who was not involved in the research.

“These people are looking and interested in resuming sexual activity,” she tells WebMD.


Tracking Sexual Health and Activity in Older Women

For the study, which is published in the journal Menopause, researchers looked at information collected on 27,357 women who were followed for about five to seven years.

The primary goal of that trial was to measure the benefits and risks of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in postmenopausal women. 

To that end, researchers asked women who signed up for the study questions about their sexual health and functioning.

Nearly half of the women in the study reported having sexual activity within the past year at the start of the study. That number was higher, however, nearly 70%, among women who were married or who had a steady partner.

Increasing age, lower income, lack of a sexual partner, a higher BMI, and health problems like heart attacks, depression, and arthritis made it less likely that a woman would say she had sex within the last year.

The Role of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Women who were on HRT at the beginning of the study reported higher levels of sexual activity than those who were not. 

But in a finding that was puzzling to researchers, women who were assigned to take hormones as part of the study weren’t significantly more likely than those taking placebo pills to continue to have sex over time.


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