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Joint pain, back pain, arthritis
cause by chronic dehydration
Thursday, January 06, 2005 commentary:
Joint pain, back pain, arthritis cause by chronic dehydration,
says doctor
Dr. B.: The human body also has its emergency calls for water. These are
localized emergency calls. We call these heartburn, rheumatoid joint pain,
back pain, migraine headaches, colitis pain, fibromyalgiac pain, even
angina pain -- signs of dehydration in the body.
And the mechanism is very simple -- when there isn't enough water to be
evenly distributed and certain parts of the body are working but not receiving
enough water to deal with its toxic waste and metabolism, and the toxic
waste builds up that area, the nerve endings in that area register the
chemical environmental change with the brain. And the brain translates
this information for the conscious mind in the form of pain.
Mike: So it's just the interpretation?
Dr. B: It's an interpretation, yes. So the conscious mind gets the information that, hey, this area we can't use anymore, it has a shortage of water. Of course, the conscious mind should have known that, but bad education has robbed us of that information. We think this pain is a disease.
Mike: The predominant diagnosis of this, of course, I think in the minds of most people, and especially in most M.D.s would be that there is something physically or structurally compromised in that area.
Dr. B: Well, of course, the compromise is when the tissue is dehydrated, it's changing structure. The plum-like cells become prune-like. Prune-like cells do not function in the same manners as a plum-like cell. So, that is how symptoms are produced. These symptoms mean, okay, let us get the ingredients that the body needs into the system. Now, when we say dehydration, water also brings a lot of other goodies to the cells. When we are dehydrated, these goodies are not delivered either. So, we need not only correct dehydration, but also to supply the minerals and vitamins and so on so that the body can repair itself.
You've been reading from an exclusive interview with Dr. Batmanghelidj,
author of Water For Health, For Healing, For Life. Dr. B. is also the
founder of the National Association for Honesty in Medicine and author
or, Your Body's Many Cries For Water. Look for his new, upcoming book,
"Obesity, Cancer and Depression: Their Common Cause and Actual Cure."
Learn more about Dr. B. at www.WaterCure.com.