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Health briefs: green light to morning after pill, no-go on women's Viagra 2010-07-06
By Rita Watson

Green light to morning after pill, no-go on women's Viagra, and porn star condoms

Rita Watson
In Two  rulings the Food and Drug Administration endorsed the 5-day morning after pill, and held up a red flag on women's Viagra.

Also in the news today regarding sexual health, the American Medical Association endorsed legislation requiring porn actors to put on condoms.

The morning after pill:

"Data for the drug, made by the French drugmaker HRA Pharma but to be sold by Watson Pharmaceuticals Inc in the United States, was compelling, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's advisory panel said." DA advisers back 5-day "morning after" pill 

Female Viagra fails to arouse

CBS News reported: "An FDA panel weighing whether to green-light flibanserin, the so called "female Viagra," say the drug failed to boost women's libidos in recent studies.

"What's more, many women who took the once-a-day drug experienced significant side effects, including depression, fatigue, and fainting.

"The studies involved about 2,400 women, who were treated with either flibanserin or a placebo. Women in both groups showed an increase in the number of sexually satisfying events but didn't show any increase in sexual desire.""Female Viagra" a Flop, Says FDA Pan

For more on this story, please go to Flibanserin: Will New Sex Drug Increase Pleasure or Pharma’s Profits?



In other news about sexual health, "the American Medical Association at this week's 2010 Annual Meeting of the American Medical Association House of Delegates in Chicago: [voted] "to support legislation to require porn actors to use condoms on-screen."

"That's a hot-button issue lately, and it's heating up, particularly in California, where most of the U.S. adult entertainment industry is based. American Medical Association votes to support legislation requiring porn stars to wear condoms

Condoms and porn stars:

Reuters reported: "A new, longer-lasting emergency contraceptive pill moved closer to the U.S. market on Thursday after U.S. medical advisers unanimously backed the one-dose drug as a safe and effective option to prevent an unplanned pregnancy.

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