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Dieters beware: not all weight-loss plans healthy 2012-08-08
By fdl reporter

Some diets offer a structured, balanced and healthy way to achieve long-term weight loss. However, desperation to lose weight fast led to the creation of some strange, impractical and downright dangerous ways to shed excess pounds.
Sleeping Beauty Diet

Gained notoriety during the 1960s and 1970s, when it was purportedly championed by such high-profile dieters as Elvis Presley. Since you can’t eat while you’re sleeping, desperate dieters entered a drug-induced state of sedation compliments of a regimen of sleeping pills.
The Lemon Detox

Voted as the world’s worst fad diet, the lemon detox diet encourages individuals to drink a concoction of lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper six times a day over a 10-day period.
The Tapeworm Diet

Emerged in the 1920s as a supposedly effective way to shed excess pounds — only hitch is you have to swallow a tapeworm to help consume your calories.
Atkins Diet

Introduced in 1972 by cardiologist Dr. Robert Atkins. Encourages dieters to give up their carbs and trade them for protein rich meat, fish and poultry and fat.
QOD Diet

Also known as the “every other day” diet that requires you to fast one day, followed by a normal day of eating.
Twinkie Diet

Instead of eating regular meals, these Hostess-loving dieters wolf a Twinkie down once every three hours for 10 weeks.
The K-E Diet

With so much pressure on brides to be perfect, many brides-to-be look for a quick way to drop 10 to 15 pounds to fit into their wedding dress. This crash diet involves inserting a feeding tube into their noses for up to 10 days while receiving a concoction of protein and fat mixed with water.

Source: LiveStrong.com

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