By Wolters Kluwer Health: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Researchers using sophisticated genetic testing techniques have identified a promising new biomarker for diagnosis of glioma—the most common type of malignant brain tumor.

By University of South Carolina
Researchers have developed a speech technique to aid stroke victims with aphasia.

By NIH/National Institute of Mental Health
Some children who are accurately diagnosed in early childhood with autism lose the symptoms and the diagnosis as they grow older, a new study has confirmed. The research team made the finding by carefully documenting a prior diagnosis of autism in a small

By Wolters Kluwer Health: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
With the rapidly expanding use of brain and spinal cord stimulation therapy (neuromodulation), new "remote presence" technologies may help to meet the demand for experts to perform stimulator programming, reports a new study.

By Mayo Clinic
A new study shows that people most often visit their health care providers because of skin issues, joint disorders and back pain. Findings may help researchers focus efforts to determine better ways to prevent and treat these conditions in large groups of

By Weill Cornell Medical College
Health care providers and hospitals are being offered up to $27 billion in federal financial incentives to use electronic health records (EHRs) in ways that demonstrably improve the quality of care. The incentives are based, in part, on the abilit

By University of Greenwich
Scientists believe they have identified potential sources of medicines derived from plants which may have fewer adverse side-effects for diabetes sufferers.

By North Carolina State University
Researchers have come up with a technique to embed needle-like carbon nanofibers in an elastic membrane, creating a flexible "bed of nails" on the nanoscale that opens the door to development of new drug-delivery systems.

By Massachusetts Institute of Technology
A new study suggests that some seizures may originate in non-neuronal cells known as glia, which were long believed to play a mere supporting role in brain function.

By University of Michigan Health System
By looking at the entire DNA from this one patient’s tumor, researchers have found a genetic anomaly that provides an important clue to improving how a rare type of cancer is diagnosed and treated.

By Kansas State University
Researchers characterized a new protein that affects how cells in the innate immune system function and protect humans against invading bacteria such as E. coli O157:H7.

By University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ)
Investigators aim to understand the underlying mechanisms of high precision (fidelity) of RNA synthesis by RNA polymerase, the major enzyme that promotes the transcription process. They have attempted to influence the role of active center tuning (ACT) &a

By American Academy of Neurology (AAN)
Women who have migraines with aura, which are often visual disturbances such as flashing lights, may be more likely to have problems with their heart and blood vessels, and those on newer contraceptives may be at higher risk for blood clots, according to

By Suomen Akatemia (Academy of Finland)
New methods are being used to develop models of the evolution of bacteria and viruses. “Essential for the evolution of the bacteria that cause hospital-acquired infections is the horizontal gene transfer. It means that several different cell pro

By University of Michigan
A review of the available evidence underscores the safety of the federal childhood immunization schedule, according to a new report.

By University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences
Smartphone applications that claim to evaluate a user's photographs of skin lesions for the likelihood of cancer instead returned highly variable and often inaccurate feedback, according to a new study. The findings suggest that relying on these "app

By CNRS (Délégation Paris Michel-Ange)
A non-invasive method that makes it possible to observe in situ how assemblies of lipids are oriented in biological tissues, and which does not require any labeling or preparation,  has been developed. The work should enable the detection and cha

By Manchester University
A virtual heart is revealing new information about one of the world's most common heart conditions. Researchers used cutting edge technology to build an advanced computational model of an anatomically correct sheep's heart. It was made by taking a series

By University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
By using synthetic fibrils made from pure recombinant protein, researchers have provided the first direct and compelling evidence that tau fibrils alone are entirely sufficient to recruit and convert soluble tau within cells into pathological clumps in ne

By Association for Psychological Science
The development of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) opened up an exciting new landscape for exploration of the human brain. Now, twenty years after the first fMRI study was published, a group of distinguished psychological scientists reflect o

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