By Nemours
Nanotechnology shows potential for the delivery of chemotherapeutic agents in a way that attacks cancer cells without harming healthy cells. Encapsulated dexamethasone delivered to pre-clinical models with leukemia significantly improved quality of life a

By University of Leicester
Recreational drug users may be putting their health at risk by ingesting products containing dangerous and often prohibited substances, purchased legally via the internet.

By St. Michael's Hospital
Researchers have identified 29 proteins that are likely to be involved in the spread of kidney cancer. The discovery will help physicians recognize which tumors are going to behave more aggressively and provide those patients with more intensive treatment

By American Chemical Society
Scientists have discovered a previously unrecognized way that degradation can occur in silicone-urethane plastics that are often considered for use in medical devices. Their study could have implications for device manufacturers considering use of these p

By International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS)
For children undergoing brain surgery, a new technology allows noninvasive, continuous monitoring of blood hemoglobin levels, according to a new study.

By Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
Environmental engineers have shown for the first time the relationship between the influenza A virus viability in human mucus and humidity over a large range of relative humidities, from 17 percent to 100 percent.

By Wiley
A new study has demonstrated for the first time that a simple breath analysis could be used for colorectal cancer screening.

By Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncologicas (CNIO)
A team of scientists in Spain has shown that the metabolic profile of an organism indicates its level of cellular aging and the general state of health in mice.

By American Heart Association
Children with implanted heart devices and their parents may report a lower quality of life than other kids and their parents. For children, self-perception, self-worth and athletic capability lowered quality of life. For parents, their child's behavior wa

By INSERM (Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale)
Researchers have analyzed data from 17 comatose patients using functional MRI data. Their research reveals that the brain networks of these patients have been restructured. The results could help clinical practitioners diagnose comatose patients.

By University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
New research indicates that the implementation of protected sleep periods for residents who are assigned to overnight shifts in a hospital represent a viable tool in preventing fatigue and alleviating the physiological and behavioral effects of sleep depr

By Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
People who like to smoke when they drink may be at greater risk of suffering a hangover the next morning, according to a study in the January 2013 issue of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.

By Brown University
Many older adults need only a little support to stay in their homes, but when that isn't available they can end up in an expensive nursing home where they don't need most of the available services. According to a new study, states that invest more in deli

By Wiley
Rates of reported neonaticide have more than halved following the implementation of a unique 'anonymous delivery' law in Austria, finds a new study.

By Association for Psychological Science
Accumulating evidence suggests that certain brain areas involved in processing physical pain may also underlie feelings of social pain. But can altering brain activity in these areas actually change how people experience social pain? In a new study, resea

By University of Michigan Health System
A new drug demonstrated dramatic and rapid effects on prostate cancer that had spread to the bone, according to a new study.

By Wellcome Trust
Training human volunteers to control their own brain activity in precise areas of the brain can enhance fundamental aspects of their visual sensitivity, according to a new study. This non-invasive 'neurofeedback' approach could one day be used to improve

By Catholic University - Campobasso
The Mediterranean diet seems to creak under the burden of the economic crisis. The alarm was raised by a study on 13,000 subjects. The findings show that reduced economic resources are associated with less healthy diets and higher prevalence of obesity.

By BMJ-British Medical Journal
New research suggests that although more babies survived shortly after extreme preterm birth in England in 2006 compared with 1995, the number with major conditions on leaving hospital remained largely unchanged.

By Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
A new article suggests that the clinical practice of prescribing amphetamines, opioids, and benzodiazepines to treat chronic pain may be contributing to the increase in fatal drug overdoses and the likelihood that those drugs will be diverted to the illeg

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