By University of Adelaide
Iodized salt used in bread is not enough to provide healthy levels of iodine for pregnant women and their unborn children, new research shows.

By Lund University
People born during whooping cough outbreaks are more likely to die prematurely even if they survive into adulthood, new research has found. Women had a 20% higher risk of an early death, and men a staggering 40%. Women also suffered more complications dur

By Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard
Slipping bacteria some silver could give old antibiotics new life, scientists report. This could pave the way for new therapies for drug-resistant and recurrent infections.

By Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Foerderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung
While antiretroviral drugs offer an efficient means of preventing the replication of HIV in the blood, shedding of HIV may occur in semen, so that other persons can become infected during unprotected sexual intercourse. This occurs in particular if the ma

By Brown University
Sickle cell crisis, a painful blood blockage common in people with sickle cell disease, isn't just about sickle-shaped red blood cells that block capillaries. According to new computer models, a second, stickier kind of red blood cell starts the obstructi

By Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
Research suggests that it is Andy Murray’s ability to manage his goals, as well as his skill, determination and motivation that makes him such a successful athlete. Murray dropped out of the French Open after a back injury this year, missing out

By University of Washington
For less than $100, researchers have designed a computer-interfaced drawing pad that helps scientists see inside the brains of children with learning disabilities while they read and write.

By University of Maryland Medical Center
Bacterial DNA may integrate into the human genome more readily in tumors than in normal human tissue, according to a new study. Researchers analyzed genomic sequencing data available from the Human Genome Project, the 1,000 Genomes Project and The Cancer

By Public Library of Science
Daily supplementation of iron tablets to pregnant women does not provide any benefits in birth weight or improved infant growth compared to twice weekly supplementation, according to a new study.

By Norwegian School of Veterinary Science
The immune response of the host to a bacterial infection may have a significant effect on the development of bacteria's resistance to antibiotics. A well-balanced immune system in the gut and the correct choice and dosage of antibiotics can reduce the spr

By Brandeis University
A research scientist has discovered a way to make phytosterol molecules from plants dispersible in beverages and foods that are consumed by humans, potentially opening the way to dramatic reductions in human cholesterol levels. The ability of phytosterols

By American Medical Association (AMA)
Compared with adults already enrolled in Medicaid, low-income uninsured adults who may be eligible for Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act were less likely to have chronic conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and hypercholesterolemia, although th

By Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
Proteins can only perform their complex functions in the cell when they assume a specific three-dimensional structure for each respective task. Because misfolded proteins are often toxic, they are immediately refolded or degraded. Scientists have now show

By European Molecular Biology Organization
Researchers have revealed that a protein well known for its role in Alzheimer's disease controls spindle development in muscle and leads to impaired movement in mice when the protein is absent or treated with inhibitors.

By Scripps Research Institute
Scientists have found a compound that could counter Parkinson’s disease in two ways at once. Scientists now describe a “dual inhibitor” that attacks a pair of proteins closely associated with development of Parkinson&#821

By Northumbria University
Robotic animals can help to improve the quality of life for people with dementia, according to new research.

By Public Library of Science
Approximately 13 million illnesses and over 110,00 hospitalizations may have been averted by the flu vaccine over the last 6 years in the US, according to new calculations.

By University of California - Irvine
Researchers have found that vitamin D levels in the U.S. population peak in August and bottom out in February. The essential vitamin -- necessary for healthy bones -- is produced in the skin upon exposure to ultraviolet B rays from the sun.

By Virginia Tech
Researchers have revealed new information about the latest strain of type A influenza, known as H7N9.

By Penn State
Treating patients with dementia can be viewed as a difficult task for doctors, but researchers say that storytelling may be one way to improve medical students' perceptions of people affected by the condition. Participation in a creative storytelling prog

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