By University of Eastern Finland
According to a recent study, elevated cell sugar concentrations increase the production of hyaluronan which, in turn, promotes cancer growth. Regulating the production of hyaluronan may be a way to prevent the spreading of cancer. Hyaluronan is a long, li

By Joshua L Hood
Nanoparticles carrying a toxin found in bee venom can destroy human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) while leaving surrounding cells unharmed, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have shown. The finding is an important s

By Rice University
Same-sex couples who live together have worse health than married opposite-sex couples and similar health as opposite-sex couples who are living together (after adjusting for socioeconomic differences), according to a new study.

By University of Southampton
Scientists have taken a significant and important step in keeping people safe from the most common form of meningitis in the UK. Meningitis B (also known as Meningococcal group B or MenB) is one of the deadliest strains of meningitis. Each year, an averag

By Brigham and Women's Hospital
Researchers have devised and tested a simple atrial fibrillation risk prediction model, based on six easily obtained factors: A woman's age, height, weight, blood pressure, alcohol consumption and smoking history.

By Mayo Clinic
Researchers have identified a possible treatment window of several years for plaques in the brain that are thought to cause memory loss in diseases such as Alzheimer's.

By Wiley
A new systematic review has raised doubts as to the effectiveness of "red flag" indicators at both identifying and excluding cancer in patients with lower back pain. The authors of the review concluded that most individual red flags were poor at

By American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Patients with diabetes were no more likely to suffer infection, deep vein thrombosis (a deep vein blood clot) or other complications following total knee replacement than patients without diabetes, according to new research.

By American Heart Association
The death of an adult sibling is associated with increased risk of death from heart attack among surviving siblings, especially if the sibling died of a heart attack. The increased risk is most evident years after the death. Healthcare providers should fo

By University of Notre Dame
Most parents would agree that raising a generous child is an admirable goal -- but how, exactly, is that accomplished? New results shed light on how generosity and related behaviors -- such as kindness, caring and empathy -- develop, or don't develop, in

By Helmholtz Centre For Environmental Research - UFZ
Pregnant women should avoid taking vitamin D supplements, new research suggests. Substitution appears to raise the risk of children developing a food allergy after birth.

By Stanford University Medical Center
Researchers have identified a second way to block the activity of the signaling cascade, called the Hedgehog pathway, that is abnormally active in a common type of skin cancer.

By American Medical Association (AMA)
Among patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, long-term treatment with the medication spironolactone improved left ventricular diastolic function but did not affect maximal exercise capacity, patient symptoms, or quality of life, acc

By University of Alberta
Researcher says terms such as "normal," "healthy" or "successful" aging can prejudice our views of seniors.

By Fox Chase Cancer Center
Two proteins that scientists once thought carried out the same functions are actually antagonists of each other, and keeping them in balance is key to preventing diseases such as cancer, according to new findings. The results suggest that new compounds co

By BMJ-British Medical Journal
Every one degree fall in outside air temperature during the winter corresponds to a drop in ambulance response time of more than one percent, reveals new research.

By Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal
Scientists have discovered a new cause of organ rejection in some kidney transplant patients. They have identified a new class of antibodies -- anti-LG3 -- which, when activated, led to severe rejection episodes associated with a high rate of organ loss.

By Eindhoven University of Technology
Millions of tons of food are thrown away each year because the 'best before' date has passed. But this date is always a cautious estimate, which means a lot of still-edible food is thrown away. Wouldn't it be handy if the packaging could 'test' whether th

By Harvard University
Though it's most often associated with disorders like diabetes, scientists have shown how the pathway of insulin and insulin-like peptides plays another critical role in the body -- helping to regulate learning and memory.

By Temple University
A group of researchers used a statistical technique to identify the prevalence of cognitive impairment in centenarians and try to understand the cognitive changes that are part of extreme aging.

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