By University of Alabama at Birmingham
The investigators found that brain connectivity data from 19 paths in brain scans predicted whether the participants had autism, with an accuracy rate of 95.9 percent.

By University of Pennsylvania
With a new study, researchers report "encouraging" findings that mark the first clear step in developing a gene therapy that could prevent vision loss or event restore vision in individuals suffering from vision-robbing conditions called bestrop

By University of Toronto
The prevalence of depression among those with migraine is approximately twice as high as for those without the disease (men: 8.4% vs. 3.4%; women 12.4% vs. 5.7%), according to a new study.

By University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences
Nearly nine out of 10 nursing home physicians said that using their mobile devices to look up prescription drug information prevented at least one adverse drug event in the previous month.

By Salk Institute for Biological Studies
With the flick of a light switch, researchers can change the shape of a protein in the brain of a mouse, turning on the protein at the precise moment they want. This allows the scientists to observe the exact effect of the protein's activation. The new me

By Elsevier
There is a swirling controversy regarding the suspicion that medications prescribed for the treatment of ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) primarily act to control disruptive behavior as opposed to having primary effects on the ability to at

By University of Copenhagen
An international team of researchers has successfully developed an innovative 3-D method to grow miniature pancreas from progenitor cells. The future goal is to use this model to help in the fight against diabetes.

By Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research
Many underage youth use false identification to buy alcohol. A new study has found that almost two-thirds of a college student sample used false IDs. False ID use might contribute to the development of alcohol use disorders by facilitating more frequent d

By University of Washington
A team of computer scientists has created a software program that watches a user's movements and gives spoken feedback on what to change to accurately complete a yoga pose. Researchers hope this will allow people who are blind or low-vision to participate

By American Medical Association (AMA)
For patients with diabetes and coronary artery disease in more than one artery, treatment with coronary artery bypass graft surgery provided slightly better health status and quality of life between 6 months and 2 years than procedures using drug-eluting

By Canadian Medical Association Journal
The use of crystal methamphetamine by street-involved youth is linked to an increased risk of injecting drugs, with crystal methamphetamine being the drug most commonly used at the time of first injection.

By American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)
Breast cancer patients who received the combination of a nerve block with general anesthesia for their breast cancer surgery had less cancer recurrence and were three times less likely to die than those who received only general anesthesia. Additionally,

By American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA)
Complications in the recovery room decreased by 58 percent between 1990 and 2010. In a previous study completed in the late 1980s, recovery room complications occurred in 23.7 percent of the patients. Today, the complication rate is 9.9 percent. The study

By University of Lincoln
As children we are told the importance of eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, but now scientists have confirmed that antioxidants found in these food groups are essential for the growth of bird embryos.

By Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
Stroke patients who participate in a cardiac rehabilitation program for six months make rapid gains in how far and fast they can walk, the use of weakened limbs and their ability to sit and stand.

By German Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ)
Scientists have discovered that a drug called valproic acid increases the effectiveness of parvoviruses that are used against cancer. In some cases, pancreatic and cervical tumors that had been transplanted to rats completely regressed after treatment wit

By Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health
Death from analgesic overdose, including the painkillers oxycodone and codeine, is more concentrated in economically disadvantaged neighborhoods with a prevalence of high divorce, single-parent homes than deaths from unintentional causes. Yet, compared to

By McGill University
Researchers have discovered that nerve cells have a special "pre-assembly" technique to expedite the manufacture of proteins at nerve cell connections (synapses), enabling the brain to rapidly form memories and be plastic.

By Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Simple urine test developed by engineers uses nanotechnology to detect dangerous blood clotting.

By American Thyroid Association
Emerging data regarding vemurafenib, a BRAF-targeted inhibitor used with good effect for BRAF V600E mutation positive melanomas, are much anticipated.

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