By Wellcome Trust
A source of gut stem cells that can repair a type of inflammatory bowel disease when transplanted into mice has been identified by researchers.

By American Society for Microbiology
A team of researchers has identified a novel mutation in the hepatitis B virus (HBV) in Korea that appears only in men and could help explain why HBV-infected men are roughly five times more likely than HBV-infected women to develop liver cancer. Although

By University of Exeter
An article by researchers has shed light on the link between depression and poor parenting. The article identifies the symptoms of depression that are likely to cause difficulties with parenting. The findings could lead to more effective interventions to

By Monell Chemical Senses Center
New research reveals that avian influenza, which typically is asymptomatic, can be detected based on odor changes in infected birds. The results suggest a rapid and simple detection method to help prevent the spread of influenzas in avian populations.

By University of California - Los Angeles
A study by psychologists is a step toward neuroscience research on consciousness. "The difference between being conscious and unconscious is a bit like the difference between driving from Los Angeles to New York in a straight line versus having to co

By Public Library of Science
Evaluation of diagnostic studies is often a challenge in diseases that are not defined by a specific test. Assessment of the accuracy of diagnostic tests is essential because they may be used to define who is considered to have a disease and receive treat

By American Medical Association (AMA)
Between 2000 and 2010 in the United States the number of donor eggs used for in vitro fertilization increased, and outcomes for births from those donor eggs improved.

By Association for Psychological Science
New research illuminates definitive brain alterations in troops with Gulf War Illness thought to result from the exposure to neurotoxic chemicals, including sarin gas, during the first Persian Gulf War.

By Oregon State University
The combination of heat, chemotherapeutic drugs and an innovative delivery system based on nanotechnology may significantly improve the treatment of ovarian cancer while reducing side effects from toxic drugs, researchers report in a new study.

By University of Maryland Medical Center
The US Food and Drug Administration should consider the unique features of probiotics -- bacteria that help maintain the natural balance of organisms in the intestines -- in regulating their use and marketing, says a lead author of the a newly released ar

By Northwestern University
Scientists have discovered a long sought, critical new clue about why some people are able to control the HIV virus long term without taking antiviral drugs. The finding may be useful in shortening drug treatment for everyone else with HIV. These rare ind

By Purdue University
Researchers have developed a system that concentrates foodborne salmonella and other pathogens faster than conventional methods by using hollow thread-like fibers that filter out the cells, representing a potential new tool for speedier detection.

By Princeton University
Researchers have found that microRNAs -- small bits of genetic material capable of repressing the expression of certain genes -- may serve as both therapeutic targets and predictors of metastasis, or a cancer's spread from its initial site to other parts

By RAND Corporation
A new study finds that physical activity in parks can be increased significantly by making modest investments in marketing, such as improve signage. The strategy included working with park users and neighbors to develop a coherent plan.

By Duke Medicine
Though worlds apart, four unrelated families have been united in a medical mystery over the source of a rare inherited disorder that results in their children being born with abnormal brain growth and severe functional impairments.

By Massachusetts Institute of Technology
New microfluidic technique quickly distinguishes bacteria within the same strain; could improve monitoring of cystic fibrosis and other diseases.

By Universite de Montreal
The quality of care provided by female doctors is higher than that of their male counterparts while the productivity of males is greater, new research shows. The research team reached this conclusion by studying the billing information of over 870 Quebec

By Canadian Medical Association Journal
Giving daily iron supplements to anemic primary-school-aged children can have cognitive and physical benefits, according to a study.

By Public Library of Science
Children of women harboring the bilharzia (schistosomiasis) worm during pregnancy are more likely to suffer the infection by the age of five years, a new study has found.

By American Chemical Society
Spraying a plant hormone on broccoli -- already one of the planet's most nutritious foods -- boosts its cancer-fighting potential, and researchers say they have new insights on how that works.

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