By Iowa State University
If given the choice between eating a salad or a burger and fries most kids would likely pick the less healthful option. But instead of telling kids to eat better researchers found the trick may be to convince them visually.

By Plataforma SINC
Although in the late 20th century it was maintained that eating more than two eggs a week could increase cholesterol, in recent years experts have begun to refute this myth. Now, a new study has found that eating more eggs is not associated with higher se

By Neural Regeneration Research
Maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy has detrimental effects on fetal central nervous system development. Maternal alcohol consumption prior to and during pregnancy significantly affects cognitive functions in offspring, which may be related to c

By Columbia University Medical Center
Researchers have identified a genetic mutation that causes congenital malformations of the kidney and urinary tract, a common form of birth defect and the most common cause of kidney failure in children. It is the first time that a specific genetic mutati

By Johns Hopkins Medicine
Scientists have identified a self-perpetuating signaling circuit inside connective tissue cells that allows these cells to form a front and a back and propel themselves in a particular direction over a long period of time. This propulsion is the same move

By Cell Press
The endoplasmic reticulum is the protein-making factory within cells consisting of tightly stacked sheets of membrane studded with the molecules that make proteins. Now, researchers have refined a new microscopy imaging method to visualize exactly how the

By North Carolina State University
Researchers have developed a drug delivery technique for diabetes treatment in which a sponge-like material surrounds an insulin core. The sponge expands and contracts in response to blood sugar levels to release insulin as needed. The technique could als

By University of California - San Diego
Scientists have discovered anthracimycin, a new chemical compound from an ocean microbe that could one day set the stage for new treatments for anthrax and other ailments such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

By Association for Psychological Science
Blowing out the candles on birthday cake isn't just for fun. New research reveals that the rituals we perform before eating can actually change our perception of the food.

By Institute of Food Technologists (IFT)
Seafood continues to be a proven strong nutrient-rich food providing essential vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids, but consumers and some toxicologists still keep a watchful eye on safety, according to new research.

By University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Molecular biologists have found a novel way to fine-tune the activity of cells' protein-disposing machinery, with potentially cancer-fighting effects.

By University of California - Irvine
Microbiologists have learned how a probiotic bacterium used to treat irritable bowel syndrome can soothe gut bacterial infections caused by salmonella, paving the way for potential relief from foodborne illnesses that affect millions of people annually.

By Loyola University Health System
A new study provides a case study of a simple action that can reduce healthcare costs, without compromising care.

By University of California - Los Angeles
Controversy exists over whether what some mental health experts call hypersexuality, or sexual addiction, is a mental disorder at all. Now researchers have measured how the brain responded in people who admitted having problems regulating their viewing of

By University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences
Poor sleep quality and quantity during pregnancy can disrupt normal immune processes and lead to lower birth weights and other complications, a new study finds. Women with depression also are more likely than non-depressed women to suffer from disturbed s

By University of Minnesota Academic Health Center
Researchers have identified infection-fighting and inflammation-suppressing functions for a gene associated with human autoimmune disease. The discovery, centered on a gene known as PTPN22, could set into motion new treatment approaches for autoimmune dis

By University of Massachusetts Medical School
Scientists have established that a naturally occurring X chromosome "off switch" can be rerouted to neutralize the extra chromosome responsible for trisomy 21, also known as Down syndrome, a genetic disorder characterized by cognitive impairment

By Kansas State University
Researchers are defeating persistent bacteria known for causing infections in hospitals. They have discovered how a regulatory system helps this bacteria resist a host's innate immune defense -- a finding that may help develop novel drug compounds to figh

By Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Gene therapy researchers have produced a bioengineered decoy that fools the immune system and prevents it from mistakenly defeating the benefits delivered by a corrective gene. The decoy was effective in animal studies, and if the approach succeeds in hum

By Wellcome Trust
People with epilepsy are 10 times more likely to die early, before their mid-fifties, compared with the general population, according to a 41 year study.

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