By Neural Regeneration Research
Cochlear implants, electrical prosthetic devices that stimulate inner ear neurons of individuals who have lost their cochlear sensory cells, restore usable hearing to deaf patients.

By Cell Press
The endoplasmic reticulum is the protein-making factory within cells consisting of tightly stacked sheets of membrane studded with the molecules that make proteins. Now, researchers have refined a new microscopy imaging method to visualize exactly how the

By University of California - San Diego
Scientists have discovered anthracimycin, a new chemical compound from an ocean microbe that could one day set the stage for new treatments for anthrax and other ailments such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

By Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
Protein production or translation is tightly coupled to a highly conserved stress response —- the heat shock response and its primary regulator, heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) —- that cancer cells rely on for survival and proliferation, ac

By Stowers Institute for Medical Research
Hematopoietic stem cells -- bone marrow-derived adult stem cells that give rise to the wide variety of specialized blood cells -- come in two flavors: the reserve force sits quietly waiting to be called upon while the active arm continually proliferates s

By Cell Press
Smoking is a well-known risk factor for subsequent alcohol abuse, but the mechanisms underlying this link are unknown. Now researchers show in a study conducted in rats that even a single exposure to nicotine temporarily changes how the brain's reward sys

By American Friends of Tel Aviv University
Scientists have integrated cardiac cells with nanofibers made of real gold particles to create functional engineered cardiac tissues. With the gold particles, these tissues contract much faster and stronger as a whole, he reports, making them more viable

By Duke Medicine
Researchers have identified biochemical changes in people taking antidepressants – but only in those whose depression improves. These changes occur in a neurotransmitter pathway that is connected to the pineal gland, the part of the endocrine sy

By Nanyang Technological University
The search for new drugs, including those for cancer, is set to speed up thanks to a new research technique which could tell if drugs had reached their intended target.

By University of Vermont
New research provides a rare "picture" of the activity taking place at the single molecular level: visual evidence of the mechanisms involved when a cell transports mRNA (or messenger RNA) to where a protein is needed to perform a cellular funct

By Institute of Food Technologists (IFT)
People with impaired glucose tolerance—the precursor to Type 2 diabetes—often show impaired cognitive function that may be alleviated through a diet designed specifically for their condition, according to new research.

By The Mount Sinai Hospital / Mount Sinai School of Medicine
A drug targeting a protein complex containing two different types of opioid receptors may be an effective alternative to morphine and other opioid pain medications, without any of the side effects or risk of dependence, according to new research.

By University of Massachusetts Medical School
Scientists have established that a naturally occurring X chromosome "off switch" can be rerouted to neutralize the extra chromosome responsible for trisomy 21, also known as Down syndrome, a genetic disorder characterized by cognitive impairment

By New York University
The information carried by the electrical activity of neurons is a mixture of stored memories, environmental circumstances, and current state of mind, scientists have found in a study of laboratory rats. The findings offer new insights into the neurobiolo

By Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen (LMU)
Bacteria of the genus Legionella have evolved a sophisticated system to replicate in the phagocytic cells of their hosts. Researchers have now identified a novel component of this system.

By American Academy of Neurology (AAN)
A new study suggests that Chinese people may be at higher risk for stroke than Caucasians.

By Purdue University
Cells from one's own blood could be converted into a treatment for autoimmune diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn's disease, thanks to new research.

By Kansas State University
Researchers are defeating persistent bacteria known for causing infections in hospitals. They have discovered how a regulatory system helps this bacteria resist a host's innate immune defense -- a finding that may help develop novel drug compounds to figh

By Johns Hopkins Medicine
Scientists have identified a self-perpetuating signaling circuit inside connective tissue cells that allows these cells to form a front and a back and propel themselves in a particular direction over a long period of time. This propulsion is the same move

By Montreal Heart Institute
Scientists have developed a new approach to treat aortic valve stenosis through the administration of a compound that prevents valve deterioration and can even reverse the progression of the disease. It is the most common type of heart valve disease in We

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