By Lund University
People have differing abilities to release and react to insulin depending on ethnicity, according to a new study.

By University of California - Santa Cruz
Scientists have trapped the ribosome, a protein-building molecular machine essential to all life, in a key transitional state that has long eluded researchers. Now, for the first time, scientists can see how the ribosome performs the precise mechanical mo

By Thomas Jefferson University
Researchers have discovered that decorin, a naturally occurring protein that circulates in the blood, acts as a potent inhibitor of tumor growth modulating the tumor microenvironment.

By University of South Florida (USF Health)
A cardiac hormone signaling receptor abundantly expressed both in inflamed tissues and cancers appears to recruit stem cells that form the blood vessels needed to feed tumor growth, a new study finds.

By Thomas Jefferson University
Recent studies have shown a gene known to coordinate initial development of the eye (EYA1) is a powerful breast tumor promoter in mice. The gene EYA1 was also shown to be overexpressed in a genetic breast cancer subtype called luminal B.

By BMJ-British Medical Journal
A high intake of fatty acids found in fish is associated with a 14 percent reduction in the risk of breast cancer in later life, a new study finds.

By American Academy of Sleep Medicine
A new study suggests that healthy adults with late bedtimes and chronic sleep restriction may be more susceptible to weight gain due to the increased consumption of calories during late-night hours.

By Scripps Research Institute
A team of scientists has identified a family of tiny RNA molecules that work as powerful regulators of the immune response in mammals. Mice who lack these RNA molecules lose their normal infection-fighting ability, whereas mice that overproduce them devel

By University of Colorado Denver
A success story with a 12 year old Great Dane, sets the stage for a trial in human glioblastoma of the vaccine that led to the dog's dramatic and prolonged improvement.

By Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Neuroscientists have now shown that they can prevent habits from taking root. Our daily routines can become so ingrained that we perform them automatically, such as taking the same route to work every day. Some behaviors, such as smoking or biting your fi

By Penn State
Understanding how the protein km23-1 enables in the spread of colon cancer may lead to new treatments for the disease, according to researchers.

By Buck Institute for Research on Aging
Research focused on the regulation of the adult stem cells that line the gastrointestinal tract of Drosophila suggests new models for the study of Barrett's esophagus. Barrett's esophagus is a condition in which the cells of the lower esophagus transform

By H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
Hispanic cancer patients rarely participate in clinical trials, but researchers want to tailor a Spanish DVD to help change this. To create a relevant educational tool, researchers investigated why awareness of and participation in trials are so low in th

By American College of Emergency Physicians
Emergency patients over the age of 74 have significantly different and more complex health and social needs than their younger counterparts, even after controlling for illness severity, which has important implications about aging populations and emergenc

By University of Rochester Medical Center
Scientists point to a newly discovered system by which the brain removes waste as a potentially powerful new tool to treat neurological disorders like Alzheimer's disease. In fact, scientists believe that some of these conditions may arise when the system

By Wellcome Trust
Important new insights into how the brain compensates for temporary hearing loss during infancy, such as that commonly experienced by children with glue ear, are revealed in a research study in ferrets. The study could point to new therapies for glue ear

By Gladstone Institutes
Using an innovative brain-tracing technique, scientists have found a way to untangle neural networks and create a high-resolution map of the brain's underlying molecular circuitry. Their findings offer new insight into how specific brain regions connect t

By Karolinska Institutet
Our imagination may affect how we experience the world more than we perhaps think. What we imagine hearing or seeing "in our head" can change our actual perception. The study sheds new light on a classic question in psychology and neuroscience -

By National Institute for Materials Science
Biomaterials are increasingly replacing human organs and tissues and silver is added to reduce the adhesion of bacteria to biomaterials and prevent infections. However, a recent study by researchers in Portugal suggests that -- in one material -- increasi

By BMJ-British Medical Journal
The drug lithium is an effective treatment for reducing the risk of suicide and possibly deliberate self harm in people with mood disorders, an evidence review finds.

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