By The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR)
An approach that directly inserts proteins into polymer-based cell membranes improves drug-screening platforms.

By Georgetown University Medical Center
Tobacco control measures put in place in 41 countries between 2007 and 2010 will prevent some 7.4 million premature deaths by 2050, according to a new study.

By University Hospitals Case Medical Center
A new bionic eye works by converting video images captured by a miniature camera, housed in the patient's glasses, into a series of small electrical pulses that are transmitted wirelessly to an array of electrodes on the surface of the retina. These pulse

By Loyola University Health System
Summer means more hours of daylight and for many, it contributes to trouble falling asleep. More than 40 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep disorders, resulting in $18 billion in cost to employers due to sleep loss issues.

By University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences
A single systemic dose of special immune cells prevented rejection for almost four months in a preclinical animal model of kidney transplantation, according to experts. Their findings could lay the foundation for eventual human trials of the technique.

By Northwestern University
The minds of murderers who kill impulsively, often out of rage, and those who carefully carry out premeditated crimes differ markedly both psychologically and intellectually, according to a new study.

By DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Scientists have created an atomic-scale structure of a bacterial ribosome attached to a molecule that controls its motion. The image is also a possible roadmap to better antibiotics. Somewhere in its twists and turns could be a weakness that a new antibio

By Stanford University Medical Center
A chemical code scrawled on histones -- the protein husks that coat DNA in every animal or plant cell -- determines which genes in that cell are turned on and which are turned off. Now, researchers have taken a new step in the deciphering of that histone

By University of Pittsburgh
Researchers report that individuals with seasonal affective disorder -- a winter depression that leads to loss of motivation and interest in daily activities -- have misconceptions about their sleep habits similar to those of insomniacs.

By Brigham Young University
Research shows that babies can understand each others emotional signals at five months of age. This study comes on the heels of research on infants' ability to understand the moods of dogs, monkeys and classical music.

By SUNY Buffalo State
A music professor created a unique therapeutic device to treat speech and hearing disorders and memory loss, among other things.

By Baylor College of Medicine
A chromosomal deletion is associated with changes in the brain's white matter and delayed language acquisition in youngsters from Southeast Asia or with ancestral connections to the region, said an international consortium led by researchers at Baylor Col

By University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Scientists describe using a combination of biochemistry and mass spectrometry to "trap" scores of new candidate substrates of the protease ClpXP to reveal how protein degradation is critical to cell cycle progression and bacterial development. T

By Brown University
In a new study, a "bioadhesive" coating significantly improved the intestinal absorption into the bloodstream of nanoparticles that someday could carry protein drugs such as insulin. Such a step is necessary for drugs taken by mouth, rather than

By Emory Health Sciences
New interactive online maps that show the latest HIV prevalence data for 20 US cities by ZIP code or census tract. AIDSVu also includes new city snapshots displaying HIV prevalence alongside various social determinants of health -- such as poverty, lack o

By American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)
A new report has found that people absorb less radiation from airport X-ray backscatter scanner than they do while standing in line waiting for the scan itself.

By Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares
New findings will mean rewriting the biochemistry textbooks. The study redefines the functioning of mitochondria and explains how cells generate energy from nutrients.

By Columbia University School of Nursing
A new study shows that hospitals with specialized units combining the compassionate care of hospice and the level of care offered in medical-surgical units may provide efficient, cost effective assistance to patients with advanced chronic illness or termi

By Uppsala University
A new study reveals that all children with Crohn's disease that were examined had a commonly occurring virus -- an enterovirus -- in their intestines. This link has previously not been shown for this chronic inflammatory intestinal disorder.

By Texas A&M AgriLife Communications
Scientists using sophisticated imaging techniques have observed a molecular protein folding process that may help medical researchers understand and treat diseases such as Alzheimer's, Lou Gehrig's and cancer. The study verifies a process that scientists

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