By University of Louisville
A research team has uncovered how the bacterium responsible for periodontal disease, Porphyromonas gingivalis, worsens rheumatoid arthritis by leading to earlier onset, faster progression and greater severity of the disease, including increased bone and c

By Rockefeller University
There is a new contender in the field of gene discovery, and it's giving knockout mice a run for their money. Researchers have shown that a new technique using RNA interference is able to find genes that cause epidermal tumor growth in months rather than

By Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT)
A new EU project develops and applies neuroimaging and bioinformatics tools to study how lipid metabolism is connected to psychotic disorders and metabolic co-morbidities such as metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

By Wolters Kluwer Health
Prescribing of strong opioid medications for non-cancer pain in the United States has nearly doubled over the past decade.

By Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
Researchers performed what they assumed would be a routine experiment in neurodevelopment. The results, however, revealed surprising roles of an important protein and its receptors. The finding could prove useful for the development of therapies and diagn

By Massachusetts Institute of Technology
A new model of malaria transmission combined with global forecasts for temperature and rainfall results in improved predictions of malaria with climate change.

By University of Massachusetts Medical School
In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers have found that the average 25-year-old American today can look forward to 2.4 more years of a healthy life than 20 years ago while a 65-year-old today has gained 1.7 years.

By Geisinger Health System
Researchers have developed a simple scoring system, based on four readily available preoperative patient characteristics, that can predict which candidates for gastric bypass surgery are likely to achieve type 2 diabetes remission within 5 years. A predic

By NIH/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
A clinical study of healthy adult volunteers who consented to be infected with the 2009 H1N1 influenza virus under carefully controlled conditions has provided researchers with concrete information about the minimum dose of virus needed to produce mild-to

By American Heart Association
Measuring sodium in a child’s urine may help doctors identify those at risk for having high blood pressure later in life, according to a new study.

By University of Alabama at Birmingham
Believed to be eradicated from the United States in 2000, measles have been brought into the country and can infect those who are not vaccinated.

By Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center
Neurosurgeons have found MRI-guided laser ablation to be an effective therapy for certain epilepsy patients.

By Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
The reasons behind why it often takes people several weeks to feel the effect of newly prescribed antidepressants remains somewhat of a mystery – and likely, a frustration to both patients and physicians. How an antidepressant works on the bioch

By Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI)
Researchers have identified a number of factors that cause psychological distress in young adults with type 1 diabetes. They also discovered that patients feel frustrated over not having access to psychological support; something that patients believe can

By Association for Psychological Science
Phobias -- whether it's fear of spiders, clowns, or small spaces -- are common and can be difficult to treat. New research suggests that watching someone else safely interact with the supposedly harmful object can help to extinguish these conditioned fear

By Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Angewandte Informationstechnik (FIT)
Two examples of the merging of technology and healthcare have been demonstrated, including a mobile wireless system that monitors the health of elderly people in their own homes, using miniature sensors, and a novel optical system for detecting antibiotic

By Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research
Approximately one-third of all fatal crashes each year in the US involve an alcohol-impaired driver. New research compares individuals' perceived dangerousness of driving after drinking while intoxicated with those perceptions while sober. Results show th

By National Academy of Sciences
Rates of physical and sexual abuse of children have declined over the last 20 years, but for reasons not fully understood. Yet, reports of psychological and emotional child abuse have risen in the same period, and data vary significantly as to whether chi

By McMaster University
The overwhelming urge that drives many pregnant women to clean, organize and get life in order -— otherwise known as nesting —- is not irrational, but an adaptive behavior stemming from humans’ evolutionary past.

By Scripps Research Institute
Scientists have found a way to make dramatic improvements to the cancer cell-killing power of vinblastine, one of the most successful chemotherapy drugs of the past few decades. The team's modified versions of vinblastine showed 10 to 200 times greater po

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