By Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Elimination of a Medicare rule that mandates a three-night hospital stay as a precondition for skilled nursing rehabilitation coverage could reduce unnecessary hospitalizations and improve patient care without increasing costs to the patient or the federa

By University of Adelaide
The way the stomach detects and tells our brains how full we are becomes damaged in obese people but does not return to normal once they lose weight, according to new research.

By Canadian Medical Association Journal
High drug expenses in Canada are a substantial barrier for people to access prescription drugs outside of hospital, states an analysis in CMAJ.

By KTH The Royal Institute of Technology
In a ground-breaking study, Swedish scientists have shown that people can detect nano-scale wrinkles while running their fingers upon a seemingly smooth surface. The findings could lead such advances as touch screens for the visually impaired and other pr

By St. Michael's Hospital
People with diabetes have a 30 percent less chance of dying if they undergo coronary artery bypass surgery rather than opening the artery through angioplasty and inserting a stent, a new study has found.

By Elsevier
A new type of coronavirus, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus, MERS-CoV, was first found a year ago in a patient who died. It took several months before it was discovered that a new virus had emerged. New cases have been reported from across

By Garvan Institute of Medical Research
Researchers have identified a potentially treatable subtype of pancreatic cancer, which accounts for about 2 percent of new cases. This subtype expresses high levels of the HER2 gene. HER2-amplified breast and gastric cancers are currently treated with He

By Tufts University
Researchers have identified how one type of bacteria, Yersinia, immobilizes the immune system in order to grow in the organ tissues of mice. To do so, the researchers extended the use of a technique and suggest that it could be used to study other bacteri

By Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Researchers will examine the ability of the drug abatacept to prevent type 1 diabetes (T1D), observing the effects of the drug in people at high risk to develop T1D.

By University of California, San Diego Health Sciences
Researchers at the Pediatric Diabetes Research Center (PDRC) at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have shown that the pancreatic protein Nkx6.1 – a beta-cell enriched transcription factor – is essential to main

By RCN Publishing Company
A study of Saudi Arabian women’s experiences of breast cancer has found that the women’s faith in Allah was a significant element in their culture and helped them cope with the condition.

By BMJ-British Medical Journal
A local low-cost information campaign mainly targeted at citizens and involving doctors and pharmacists can significantly decrease total antibiotic prescribing.

By University of Oxford
A new study has shown that a representative sample of UK schoolchildren aged seven to nine years had low levels of key omega-3 fatty acids in their blood. Furthermore, the study found that children's blood levels of the long-chain omega-3 DHA (the form fo

By Boston University Medical Center
US states with higher estimated rates of gun ownership experience a higher number of firearms-related homicides.

By University of Edinburgh
Why some people are troubled by cold sores while others are not has finally been explained by scientists. Cold sores affect around one in five people but, until now, no one has been sure why some are more prone to the virus that causes them.

By Johns Hopkins Medicine
A nurse-bioethicist discloses rising concerns about the toll of "moral distress" among nurses and physicians caring for seriously and terminally ill people in the era of health care reform.

By University of Oxford
A genetic study has identified a biological process that influences whether we are right-handed or left-handed. Scientists found correlations between handedness and a network of genes involved in establishing left-right asymmetry in developing embryos.

By Salk Institute for Biological Studies
In the past few years, as imaging tools and techniques have improved, scientists have been working tirelessly to build a detailed map of neural connections in the human brain -- with the ultimate hope of understanding how the mind works.

By NIH/National Institute of Mental Health
Scientists have demonstrated that a form of behavioral therapy can augment antidepressant treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) better than an antipsychotic. The researchers recommend that this specific form of cognitive behavior therapy -- exp

By Institute of Physics (IOP)
The stage is now set for superconductivity to branch out and meet some of the biggest challenges facing humanity today. A new article explains how superconducting technologies can move out of laboratories and hospitals and address wider issues such as wat

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