By Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
The mechanisms behind gene regulation are not well understood because the RNA sequences to which RNA binding proteins bind have been so difficult to decipher. Now, researchers have produced the first-ever compendium of RNA-binding sequences, which will be

By Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research
An individual enters adolescence with personality characteristics and life experiences already accumulated. A new study evaluates the impact of childhood temperament on later alcohol use/problems. Results show that childhood temperament prior to age five

By University of California - Davis Health System
Researchers have identified the specific antibodies that target fetal brain proteins in the blood of a subset of women whose children are diagnosed with autism. The finding is the first to pinpoint a specific risk factor for a significant subset of autism

By American Chemical Society
Efforts to develop a safer form of acetaminophen -- the pain and fever-reducer that is one of the most widely used drugs -- have led to discovery of substances that may have less potentially toxic effects on the liver.

By Georgia Institute of Technology
By using gelatin-based microparticles to deliver growth factors, researchers are creating three-dimensional structures from stem cells and reducing the use of growth factors needed to promote differentiation.

By Kent State University
Today's smartphones allow for increased opportunities for activities traditionally defined as sedentary behaviors, such as surfing the internet, emailing and playing video games. However, researchers have linked high cell phone use to poor fitness in coll

By Yale University
Typhoid fever is one of the oldest documented diseases known to have afflicted mankind but what makes it so lethal has remained a mystery for centuries. In a new study, researchers offer an explanation of how the devastating disease marked by delirium and

By Purdue University
Researchers have developed a concept to potentially improve delivery of drugs for cancer treatment using nanoparticles that concentrate and expand in the presence of higher acidity found in tumor cells.

By Indiana University
Scientists have transformed mouse embryonic stem cells into key structures of the inner ear. The discovery provides new insights into the sensory organ's developmental process and sets the stage for laboratory models of disease, drug discovery and potenti

By University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Researchers have found that, across a variety of neurodegenerative diseases, cerebrovascular disease affecting circulation of blood in the brain was significantly associated with dementia. The researchers contend that people already exhibiting clinical fe

By University of Washington
Anti-alcohol policies on middle and high school campuses do work, but only if students believe they will be enforced. Harsh punishment doesn't deter drinking, but counseling does.

By Case Western Reserve University
Kangaroo Care delivers benefits beyond bonding and breastfeeding for a hospital's tiniest newborns.

By Instituto de Medicina Molecular (IMM)
Despite renewed global efforts for eradication, malaria continues to exert devastating effects on human health. An estimated 220 million people are infected each year by malaria-causing Plasmodium parasites, which are transmitted by the bite of an infecte

By Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
A second large, prospective study has confirmed the link between high blood concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids and an increased risk of prostate cancer.

By University of California - Davis Health System
Orthopedic oncologists and surgical oncologists, who have been trained in the complex procedures required to remove sarcomas located deep in the muscles and other soft tissues of the limbs, conducted only 52 percent of these operations at 85 academic medi

By NYU Langone Medical Center
Increased concerns about the perceived risk of vaccination, inconvenience, or religious tenets are leading more U.S. parents to opt-out of vaccinating their children. Parents are increasingly able to do so in states that have relatively simple procedures

By European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
Women who give birth to multiple babies following IVF treatment are at a higher risk of breast cancer than those giving birth to singletons or who remain childless. Investigators said the explanation may not be the multiple pregnancy per se but a maternal

By University College London - UCL
The combination of smoking and heavy drinking speeds up cognitive decline, according to new research.

By Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health
Many state and local governments banned smoking in parks and on beaches on the basis that passive smoke is a risk for non-smokers, cigarette butts pollute the environment, and seeing people smoke poses a long-term risk to children. Researchers say the evi

By Inderscience
The "CSI Effect" has been described as being an increased expectation from jurors that forensic evidence will be presented in court that is instantaneous and unequivocal because that is how it is often presented for dramatic effect in television

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