By University of California - Los Angeles
Researchers have found that a workshop for adolescents that teaches skills to keep impulsive acts under control, is effective. Such impulsive behavior often leads to negative acts including substance abuse and violence.

By Cell Press
Each year in the United States, cats deposit about 1.2 million metric tons of feces into the environment, and that poop is carrying with it what may be a vast and underappreciated public health problem, say scientists.

By BMJ-British Medical Journal
Most babies born to drug addicted mums on methadone maintenance are exposed to several other drugs while in the womb, and half are additionally exposed to excess alcohol, reveal the results of a small study.

By Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Scientists have successfully targeted a malfunctioning immune system enzyme to kill diseased cells from patients with myelodysplastic syndrome -- a blood disorder and precursor to leukemia. Researchers say their successful laboratory tests in human MDS ce

By American Medical Association (AMA)
Among men who had undergone radical prostatectomy, daily consumption of a beverage powder supplement containing soy protein isolate for 2 years did not reduce or delay development of biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer compared to men who received p

By American Society for Microbiology
The H7N9 avian flu strain that emerged in China earlier this year has subsided for now, but it would be a mistake to be reassured by this apparent lull in infections. The virus has several highly unusual traits that paint a disquieting picture of a pathog

By University of California - Davis Health System
Researchers have found that prenatal exposure to specific combinations of antibodies found only in mothers of children with autism leads to changes in the brain that adversely affect behavior and development.

By King's College London
Scientists have found that key metabolites in blood -- chemical 'fingerprints' left behind as a result of early molecular changes before birth or in infancy -- could provide clues to a person's long-term overall health and rate of aging in later life.

By European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
Egg freezing as insurance against age-related infertility is a growing trend in many countries. Women who bank oocytes for use at some time in the future hope to buy a little time in their search for a suitable partner. However, a study from one of Europe

By Kingston University
Women tend to become much more happy and satisfied with their lives after their divorces come through, according to new research from the United Kingdom.

By The JAMA Network Journals
Both an early and late first exposure to solid food for infants appears to be associated with the development of Type 1 diabetes mellitus, according to a new study.

By Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres
An overactive signaling pathway is a common cause in cases of pilocytic astrocytoma, the most frequent type of brain cancer in children. In all 96 cases studied, researchers found defects in genes involved in a particular pathway. Hence, drugs can be used

By Health Behavior News Service, and part of the Center for Advancing Health
A survey of men age 40 to 74 found that 54 percent said that they would still opt for a popular prostate cancer screening test despite recent recommendations that the test not be performed, finds a new study.

By University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
For decades, women between the ages of 21 and 69 were advised to get annual screening exams for cervical cancer. In 2009, however, accumulating scientific evidence led major guideline groups to agree on a new recommendation that women be screened less fre

By American Academy of Neurology (AAN)
Older people with Alzheimer’s disease are less likely to also have cancer, and older people with cancer are less likely to also have Alzheimer’s disease, according to the largest study to date on the topic.

By Massachusetts Institute of Technology
A high level of air pollution, in the form of particulates produced by burning coal, significantly shortens the lives of people exposed to it, according to a unique new study of China.

By European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
Children born as a result of assisted reproduction (ART) are at no greater risk of cancer than children born spontaneously in the general population, according to results of one of the largest ever cohort studies of ART children.

By University of Michigan Health System
Depression down among adults over 50, including elderly age 80-84; signs of increased depression in slice of late middle age population

By University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES)
After a recent study showed that injection of the soy peptide lunasin dramatically reduced colon cancer metastasis in mice, researchers were eager to see how making lunasin part of the animals’ daily diet would affect the spread of the disease.

By Boston University Medical Center
Researchers have developed a method to rapidly identify pathogenic species and strains causing illnesses, such as pneumonia, that could help lead to earlier detection of disease outbreaks and pinpoint effective treatments more quickly.

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