By American Chemical Society
New insights into why obese cigarette smokers experience a high risk of heart disease suggest that cigarette smoke affects the activity of hundreds of key genes that both protect the heart and lungs and expose them to damage. The study suggests that the e

By Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Children who receive a vaccine to prevent blood and ear infections, appear to be reducing the spread of pneumonia to the rest of the population, especially their grandparents and other older adults.

By Asociación RUVID
An innovative neurocognitive study shows that the individual variability that exists in brain connections affects people’s learning ability and, in turn, the learning process produces a change in brain networks associated with the trained areas.

By Oxford University Press (OUP)
Children who were later diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder had excessive cerebrospinal fluid and enlarged brains in infancy, a new study has found, raising the possibility that those brain anomalies may serve as potential biomarkers for the early ide

By Duke University
What unites golf, baseball and hockey is the "falling forward" motion involved, whether it is a pitcher's arm or golfer's swing. Basically, the larger and taller the athlete, the more force he or she can bring to bear as his or her mass falls fo

By American College of Cardiology
Individuals with excessive abdominal fat have a greater risk of heart disease and cancer than individuals with a similar body mass index who carry their fat in other areas of the body, according to a new study.

By DOE/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Researchers have shown that deficiencies in vitamin D -- the sunshine vitamin -- accelerates the aging of bone, reducing the quality and making it more susceptible to fracturing.

By Springer Science+Business Media
Weight loss interventions delivered via conference calls by primary care provider staff are effective, according to new research. An intensive lifestyle intervention, proven to help people lose weight to prevent diabetes, also works in primary care when d

By University of Wisconsin-Madison
The emerging H7N9 avian influenza virus responsible for at least 37 deaths in China has qualities that could potentially spark a global outbreak of flu, according to a new study.

By Methodist Hospital, Houston
Drugs that help millions of people cope with acid reflux may also cause cardiovascular disease, a new study suggests. It is the first time researchers have shown how proton pump inhibitors, or PPIs, might cause cardiovascular problems.

By University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Many brain-training companies tout the scientific backing of their products -- the laboratory studies that reveal how their programs improve your brainpower. But according to a new report, most intervention studies like these have a critical flaw: they do

By University College London - UCL
People who experience parental divorce during childhood have higher levels of an inflammatory marker in the blood which is known to predict future health, according to new research from the United Kingdom.

By Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research
Prior research found that women tended to use moderate self-referral terms for intoxication, whereas men used heavy terms. New findings confirm that men's drinking is generally described in terms indicative of excessive consumption while women tend to cou

By The JAMA Network Journals
Patients with epilepsy who had amnestic mild cognitive impairment or Alzheimer's disease presented earlier with cognitive decline than patients who did not have epilepsy, according to a new report.

By University of California - San Francisco
A new study of HIV infection points to changes in intestinal bacteria as a possible explanation for why successfully treated HIV patients nonetheless prematurely experience life-shortening chronic diseases.

By Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI)
Researchers in Ireland have demonstrated that exposure to childhood trauma (physical assault and bullying) is linked to psychotic experiences, (such as hearing voices), and in turn the cessation of traumatic experiences led to a significant reduction in t

By Elsevier
Many people with schizophrenia have marked problems with motivation, failing to initiate and persist in goal-directed behavior. These negative symptoms of schizophrenia can be disabling and prevent individuals from realizing their potential. For many year

By American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM)
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) surgery is a common knee injury procedure, but the overall incidence rate of having to go through it again within 24 months is six times greater than someone who has never had an ACL tear, according to rese

By North Carolina State University
Chemists have performed a DNA-based logic-gate operation within a human cell. The research may pave the way to more complicated computations in live cells, as well as new methods of disease detection and treatment.

By Brown University
Researchers have shown how tiny graphene sheets can be big trouble for cells. Sharp corners and jagged edges on the sheets puncture cell membranes, allowing the sheet to enter the cell and disrupt function. The new understanding of how graphene interacts

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